Franske myndigheter angriper krav om å gjøre språket woke

Foto: Sharon McCutcheon fra Unsplash
Foto: Sharon McCutcheon fra Unsplash

Frankrike fortsetter å slå ned på forsøk fra ytterste venstre for å få landet til å bli woke ved å forby bruk av kjønnsnøytralt språk på skolene, og sier at presset utgjør en trussel mot det franske språket og kan presse folk til å lære engelsk i stedet. Det skriver Dailywire

“Landets utdanningsdepartement utstedte kjennelsen i forrige uke etter et press på å inkludere punkt midt i skrevne ord – kalt” midtpunkter “- som gjør at både mannlige og kvinnelige former kan bli representert samtidig,” rapporterte The Daily Mail. “I fransk grammatikk får substantiver kjønnet på motivet de refererer til, med mann foretrukket fremfor kvinne i blandede omgivelser.”

Dailywire skriver videre:

The Académie Française, a nearly 400-year-old institution that guards the French language, pushed back on the attempt to make the language woke, saying that it is “harmful to the practice and understanding of [French.]”

Nathalie Elimas, the State Secretary for Priority Education, said on Thursday that the attempts to make the language woke were “a danger for our country” and “the death knell for the use of French in the world.”

Elimas said that the move would not make the language more popular and instead would drive people to learn English instead. “‘With the spread of inclusive writing, the English language – already quasi-hegemonic across the world – would certainly and perhaps forever defeat the French language,” she said.

Jean-Michel Blanquer, France’s education minister, said that the proposed changes to the language would make it harder for people with learning disabilities to learn French.

France’s leftist teacher’s union, the SUD Education Union, issued a statement attacking the ban and called on schools to ignore it.

“”SUD Education demands from the Minister that he stop trying to impose his backwardness on the educational community,” the statement said. “SUD calls on staff to take no account of these instructions from another time, and to exercise as they wish, depending on professional situations, the full use of their pedagogical freedom.”

Top French politicians, journalists, and intellectuals have started to warn in recent months that far-left woke culture from the United States was a threat to France.

“Emboldened by these comments, prominent intellectuals have banded together against what they regard as contamination by the out-of-control woke leftism of American campuses and its attendant cancel culture,” The New York Times reported in February. “With its echoes of the American culture wars, the battle began inside French universities but is being played out increasingly in the media. Politicians have been weighing in more and more, especially following a turbulent year during which a series of events called into question tenets of French society.”

The Times’ report notes that some of Macron’s remarks were made in a speech that he gave late last year. The Times surmised Macron’s speech as warning that American “woke leftism” was an “existential” threat to France that “fuels secessionism,” “abets Islamism,” “gnaws at national unity,” and “attacks France’s intellectual and cultural heritage.”

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