Idag: Cornestone må møte i engelsk rett for å forsvare sin rett til å kreve kristen samlivsetikk

Foto: Clay Leconey fra Unsplash
Foto: Clay Leconey fra Unsplash

The Cristian Institute skriver:

Cornerstone, England’s only evangelical fostering agency, is in the Court of Appeal today and tomorrow seeking to overturn a ruling that “evangelical” includes those who reject biblical teaching on sexual ethics.

The case is being supported by The Christian Institute.

It arises out of a highly controversial Ofsted inspection report in 2019 demanding that Cornerstone abandon its religious ethos.

Cornerstone Adoption and Fostering Service won the key part of its legal action against Ofsted in July 2020. The High Court rejected Ofsted’s claim that Cornerstone was not entitled to recruit only those who share its Christian faith.

That High Court judgment confirms the freedom of Christian organisations to operate in line with their statement of beliefs.

But the Court mistakenly ruled that Cornerstone cannot require its carers to abide by its Christian beliefs on sexual conduct. Cornerstone is appealing this aspect of the ruling

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