Canadas konservative parti kan ta et oppgjør med woke

Foto: Branden Harvey fra Unsplash

Det konservative partiet i Canada (CPC) vil snart diskutere flere “anti-woke”-politiske forslag av stor betydning for sine sosialkonservative grasrotmedlemmer, ifølge en ny rapport.

Torsdag rapporterte det konservative mediet True North at rundt 60 resolusjoner vil bli fremmet på CPCs kommende årlige stevne fra 7. til 9. september i Quebec City. Noen av temaene til debatt er en rekke kontroversielle temaer, som “mangfold, likestilling og inkludering” (DEI), kjønnsideologi og medisinsk frihet.

Lifesitenews skriver videre:

When it comes to the issue of gender ideology, according to True North, which saw an advanced copy of the resolutions, policies protecting women’s spaces both in sports and jails as well as change rooms will be debated. This policy was sponsored by the Edmonton–Strathcona Electoral District Association (EDA).

This policy proposal would make it so that the following text will be added to the official party declaration, “The Conservative Party of Canada believes that women are entitled to the safety, dignity, and privacy of single-sex spaces (e.g., prisons, shelters, locker rooms, washrooms) and the benefits of women-only categories (e.g., sports, awards, grants, scholarships).”

Of important note is that the resolution clearly defines a woman as a “(a) female person.”

This proposal comes at the same time biological males have been dominating in some women’s sports in Canada. The most recent example is that of “Anne” Andres, a gender-confused biological male who claims to be a woman who set a Canadian powerlifting record.

Another policy proposal that was brought forth, this time by the North Okanagan—Shuswap EDA, would look to have the CPC place a ban on gender transition surgeries for kids and teenagers. The proposal also encourages “positive mental and physical health support for all Canadians suffering from gender dysphoria and related mental health challenges.”

“Children cannot understand or consent to transitioning,” reads the policy proposal.


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Foto: Dainis Graveris fra Unsplash

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