Bernard Randall forteller sin historie

Basilique Notre Dame de Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Foto: Annie Spratt fra Unsplash
BREAKING: School chaplain Rev. Dr Bernard Randall has revealed to the Mail on Sunday how he was ‘betrayed’ by the Church of England after being forced out of his job and reported to counter-terrorism for a Christian sermon in a school chapel.
Bernard said that he expected support from his diocese, run by the Bishop of Derby, the Rt Rev Libby Lane, especially as his sermon accurately presented the Church of England’s teachings.
But to his profound dismay, he reveals today that the diocese launched its own investigation, conducting a risk assessment which concluded that he posed a ‘moderate’ risk, and might cause children ‘anxiety’ if they came to him with ‘a sexuality or relationship’ issue.
Andrea Williams, co-founder of Christian Concern and chief executive of the Christian Legal Centre, said: “Bernard Randall is a good man who loves Jesus and loves biblical truth and is passionate about the hope that is found in the gospel for school communities.
“He is kind, intelligent and not a safeguarding risk to anyone. It is the rise of LGBT ideology and activism within the Church of England that is the risk to good and faithful clergy such as Bernard – and to children who are badly failed by its misleading guidance on transgenderism in schools.
“It is untenable for the CofE to allow its safeguarding teams to say that the CofE and the Bible is a risk-factor to itself.
“This is a profoundly upsetting and perverse situation.
“We continue to stand with Bernard as he prepares for the hearing against his sacking by Trent College this week.
“The outcome will have huge ramifications for Christian freedoms and freedom of speech in this country.”
Please do pray for Bernard and the Christian Legal Centre as his two-three week hearing begins next week.
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Foto: Mason Kimbarovsky fra Unsplash

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