CitizenGo vil beskytte kvinner i OL

Foto: Nicolas Hoizey fra Unsplash
Foto: Nicolas Hoizey fra Unsplash

Organisasjonen CitizenGo skriver på sine hjemmesider:

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) did not just leave the door open for “transgender” athletes to sweep the field of women’s sports, they rolled out a red carpet and ran off to cower in a corner.


The inclusion of “transgender” participants in women’s sports is not just unfair, it can be extremely dangerous to the women participating.


Most tragically, when the women and girls thrown under the bus for “transgender” inclusion complain, they are ostracized, losing scholarships, placement on their team, and sometimes even facing violence for their stance.


That’s why it’s so important for you to sign your petition today demanding the IOC take responsibility to ensure fair competition and BAN “transgender” athletes from competing in women’s sports events in the upcoming July Olympics in Paris.


The policy from the IOC simultaneously calls for fairness AND politically correct inclusion, and then abdicates the responsibility to decide whether or not biological men can bully their way into women’s events.


Recently, some sports associations have begun to see the light and are taking steps in the right direction by banning “transgender” men from competing in women’s categories.


The IOC must take decisive action to implement a universal ban across all sports to protect women athletes. The responsibility to protect the integrity of women’s sports at the Olympics lies squarely with the IOC, not individual sports federations.


If we remain silent, women’s sports will vanish. This is not science fiction—it’s happening right now.


The transgender craze is burying the dreams of countless girls, teenagers, and young athletes who are forced to compete against men who claim to be women, within sports regulations that are blind to the catastrophic consequences of endorsing this irrationality.


But in just a few days, the global stage of the Paris Olympics will give us an opportunity to build a wall against this madness.


If hundreds of thousands of citizens like you and me raise our voices against the ideological perversion of women’s sports, our daughters and granddaughters, the women who strive with effort and discipline to reach the pinnacle of sports, will not see their dreams shattered.


Please sign this petition today and join our massive campaign calling on the IOC to protect women’s sports.

Dere kan signere oppropet her.

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