CNN: “Biologisk kjønn” er et ‘omstridt begrep

Foto: Sharon McCutcheon fra Unsplash
Foto: Sharon McCutcheon fra Unsplash

CNN publiserte følgende utsagn som faktum, uten å sitere kilder, i en artikkel om South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noems eksekutive ordrer om kvinnesport:

Though the two executive orders signed by Noem do not explicitly mention transgender athletes, they ​reference the supposed harms of the participation of “males” in women’s athletics — an echo of the transphobic claim, cited in other similar legislative initiatives, that transgender women are not women. The orders also reference “biological sex,” a disputed term that refers to the sex as listed on students’ original birth certificates.

​It’s not possible to know a person’s gender identity at birth, and there is no consensus criteria for assigning sex at birth.

Lifesitenews kommenterer utsagnene fra CNN slik:

By the left’s own definition, a “transgender woman” is a woman, but that “woman” is a human being born with a penis, with male chromosomes. How is it “transphobic” to say that males, born with penises, are not women? It’s just a fact. A man can wear dresses, take female hormones, and undergo surgery to attempt to make his body more feminine-appearing. But he will never have two X chromosomes, he will never menstruate, he will never be able to be pregnant or give birth (because he doesn’t have a uterus).

Is “biological sex” really a disputed term?

And, CNN, there is actually a consensus on how sex is “assigned” at birth. It’s not actually “assigned,” though, it’s observed. The process is quite simple: If the baby has a vagina, the baby is a girl. If the baby has a penis, the baby is a boy. Except in very rare cases of something like hermaphroditism, it is abundantly clear if a newborn is male or female. “Gender identity” comes later, after indoctrination by left-wing media.

Furthermore, an unborn child’s sex is determined from the moment of conception. Many parents find out the child’s sex before birth (and thus before a sex can be listed on a birth certificate), via ultrasound or even blood tests that allow parents to learn if their child is a boy or a girl as early as eight weeks into pregnancy.

That these unscientific claims were all presented as fact by a major U.S. news network shows just how low the media have sunk in their quest to re-engineer society.

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