Demokrat i Kongressen vil beskytte kvinneidretten fra menn

Foto: Nicolas Hoizey Poa fra Unsplash

Tulsi Gabbard, representant for demokratene fra Hawai, har kommet med et lovforslag til Kongressen som vil forby menn å konkurrere i kvinneidrett, selv om staten anerkjenner deres status som transkvinner. Det skriver Lifesitenews.


Along with her colleague Rep. Markwayne Mullin (R-OK), Gabbard drafted the “Protect Women’s Sports Act of 2020” to stop men from participating in women’s sports and to strengthen Title IX. A press release stated:

Since its creation, Title IX has been confronted by various challenges, often resulting in nuanced or situational solutions to the circumstances. This has included considering the fairness of an individual of one sex to play on a team designated for another sex when no such team is available to the individual, such as women’s field hockey or men’s football. This bill protects the sex-based intention of Title IX protections by reaffirming the biological sex-based distinctions between men and women in athletics.

Gabbard har møtt mye motstand på grunn av forslaget. Hun har blant annet  kalt transofob og avskum.

Following the release of the statement, Gabbard has been branded a transphobe and even “scum” for suggesting that there is a biological distinction between men and women, and that women’s sports be protected by this legislation:

Hun sier deres forslag tar utgangspunkt i diskrimineringens utgangspunkt som er at det foreligger en biologisk forskjell på kvinner og menn:

Gabbard doubled down, saying, “Our legislation protects Title IX’s original intent, which was based on the general biological distinction between men and women athletes based on sex. It is critical that the legacy of Title IX continues to ensure women and girls in sports have the opportunity to compete and excel on a level playing field.”

“Title IX is being weakened by some states who are misinterpreting Title IX, creating uncertainty, undue hardship and lost opportunities for female athletes,” Gabbard continued.

“Allowing biological males to compete in women’s sports diminishes that equality and takes away from the original intent of Title IX,” he said, adding that as “the father of three girls involved in athletics, I want them to be able to compete on a level playing field.”

Spørsmålet er om Joe Biden vil støtte forslaget når han tiltrer, han har fram til nå vist at han stiller seg bak kravene til transbevegelsen:

The bill will likely face some stiff opposition if Joe Biden ascends to the presidency. The former vice president has thrown his full support behind a wide array of transgender-favorable proposals, including the proposal to reverse the Trump administration’s guidance to public schools on denying members of each gender from joining sports teams of the opposite sex.

“On his first day in office, Biden will reinstate the Obama-Biden guidance revoked by the Trump-Pence Administration, which will restore transgender students’ access to sports,” ABC News reported.

Biden has also said that he will “immediately reverse the discriminatory actions of the Trump-Pence Administration” against people suffering from gender dysphoria “during his first 100 days as President” through a proposal known as the “Equality Act.” The passing of the act is to be made a “top legislative priority.”

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