Facebook fjerner siden til kristen gruppe

Foto: Kon Karampelas fra Unsplash
Foto: Kon Karampelas fra Unsplash

Uten noen forklaring har Facebook fjernet siden til gruppen Restored Hope Network. Dette markerer slutten på Facebooks arbeid for å strupe ytringene til en organisasjon som omtaler seg som “en koalisjon av kristne ledere i USA som mener seg forpliktet til å tjene dem som søker Kristus-sentrerte svar på seksuelle og relasjonelle problemer”.

Det er Lifesitenews som skriver:

UNITED STATES, October 9, 2020 (LifeSiteNews) — With no explanation, Facebook has deleted the page of Restored Hope Network. This marks the culmination of the social media platform’s silencing of the network, described on its website as “a coalition of Christian ministries, pastors, and counselors in the US committed to serving those seeking Christ-centered answers for sexual and relational problems.”

Facebook’s censoring of the organization began in July of this year, when it began removing posts from Restored Hope Network’s most recent conference. Anne Paulk, the executive director of the umbrella organization, told The Christian Post that the removal of the page came without notice. “Their dismissive action — canceling our page as if it never existed, leaving a vague ‘the link may be broken’ message in its place — is shameful. Not even extending us the courtesy of a notification, a chance to offer our side of the very politicized story, is unconscionable.” Paulk is no stranger to cancelation, as her book was removed from Amazon in last year’s purge of titles devoted to helping people overcome same-sex attraction.


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