Familie i Canada fikk ikke adoptere pga kristen tro

Foto: Patrick Fore fra Unsplash
Foto: Patrick Fore fra Unsplash

Motstand mot radikal kjønnsideologi og forsvar av biologisk virkelighet betyr nå at foreldre blir avvist i adopsjonssøknader – det er Canada 2021 vi snakker om, et land de fleste av oss forbinder med demokrati, religionsfrihet og menneskerettigheter.

Det er en skremmende utvikling Lifesitenews`Jonathon Van Maren beskriver i sin siste kommentar.

Canada har i flere år stått for en radikal politikk knyttet til temaet kjønnsidentitet. Nå viser det seg at også familier som ønsker å adoptere, blir rammet av denne politikken.

En far tok nylig kontakt med Jonathon Van Maren for å dele familiens historie. De ønsket å adoptere, men etter å ha uttrykt sine bekymringer om aspekter ved kjønnsideologien under et hjemmeintervju, ble de fortalt at de hadde blitt avvist som potensielle adoptivforeldre, selv etter at de tidligere var forsikret om at det ikke var grunn til bekymring. Brevet (som de mottok denne måneden) sier det slik:

Please accept this letter as written notification that your home study is unable to be approved at this time. Further to our recent conversation about this decision, I am confirming that during the home study process, the agency was able to see many strengths in you both individually and as a couple.

Your views regarding gender identity were also made clear. Unfortunately, your views are not in alignment with the values and purposes that are integral to the SAFE home study, this Agency and to the Child Welfare mandate of Ontario. The requirements set out in the Child, Youth and Family Service Act (CYFSA) of Ontario requires that we consider a child’s or young person’s race, ancestry, place of origin, color, ethnic origin, citizenship, family diversity, disability, creed, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in providing for the best interests, protection, and well-being of children. As such, Simcoe Muskoka Family Connexions is unable to consider an adoption placement for any child if the placement does not demonstrate that a child’s human rights for emotional safety and belonging are able to be respected and protected.

I would strongly encourage you to consider exploring additional sources of information regarding Equity issues in Canada. If interested, I would encourage you to do some reading to become more informed with gender identity as a human rights issue and I can provide you with some possible referrals if you would find this helpful.

Faren forteller at spørsmålet om kjønnsdysfori kom opp på følgende måte:

The trans issue came up again during our discussion with the adoption worker regarding our compatibility survey. She asked how we would deal with a trans child. We said that we would seek out counselling and other resources to support the child. We also said that we didn’t agree with providing a minor with hormone treatments or surgery. We also said that that we didn’t agree that we should simply let the child dress as the other gender. We were asked to do research and she provided us with links to discuss on the next visit.

I also stated that disagreement does not equal hate. Our modern society has forgotten that you can disagree with someone’s lifestyle and still love them.

The worker continued to press us on how we would deal with the issue if a child in our care became trans. We said that our answer was still the same (and is the same answer that was accepted for other potential situations that may arise), that we would love the child and seek support and resources to deal with it, but we did not support hormones and surgery for a child. After that, we received a letter very clearly stating that our views on the issue of transgenderism rendered us ineligible.


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