FN-rapport: Foreldre står i veien for barnas seksuelle frihet

Foto: Steven Van Loy fra Unsplash
Foto: Steven Van Loy fra Unsplash

Utfordringen for foreldre over hele verden er at de aldri vil få vite om dette dokumentet, og de vil heller ikke forstå påvirkningen det kan ha på deres nasjonale myndigheter. Det skriver Lifesitenews.

En ny rapport fra FN uttrykker stor bekymring for at barns seksuelle rettigheter skal bli undertrykt.

The report asserts that “adolescents need to be able to make decisions regarding their well-being and bodies, and to safely and privately explore their sexuality as they mature, whether offline or online.” However, the report explains, bodily integrity and autonomy rights are infringed by “governments, commercial entities, health-care providers and other professionals, parents, and peers.” How are bodily integrity and autonomy rights infringed? Denial of abortion. Requiring parental permission for abortion and contraception. Therapy for unwanted sexual attractions. And slut-shaming.

Forfatterne bak rapporten bygger sin virkelighetsforståelse på at barn har flytende kjønnsidentitet, seksuell orientering og kjønnsuttrykk.

The report insists that children have diverse gender identities, sexual orientations, and expression. A recent poll out from the Gallup polling organization shows that more children do believe these things. The numbers for “trans” and “bi” have increased substantially in recent years. Advocates say this is the result of increasing societal acceptance. Critics will say it is because of LGBT propaganda in the media and schools. It could be possible that children are announcing these changes under peer pressure and being au courant.

The report charges that children with these conditions are subjected to a long list of negative consequences, everything from violence and discrimination to denial of medical treatment and lack of legal recognition.

Rapporten er en del av et mer omfattende FN-program om “kunstig intelligens og barns rettigheter.” UNICEF har utgitt en lang rapport om emnet. Den omtaler kraften i massiv koordinering for meldinger og programmer som FN-byråer og andre aktører bruker. En av styrkene til menneskerettighetsregimet er at det er universelt og gjelder for alle. For mange år siden begynte imidlertid FN å bryte ned menneskerettighetene. I stedet for universelle menneskerettigheter, har FN presset på for rettigheter som ikke er universelle siden de gjelder unikt for kvinner, homofile og barn.

The report is part of a more extensive UN program on “Artificial Intelligence and Children’s Rights.” UNICEF has issued a lengthy report on the topic. It speaks to the power of massive coordination for messaging and programs possessed by UN agencies and other actors. One of the human rights regime’s strengths is that it is universal and applies to all. Many years ago, however, the UN began ghettoizing human rights. Rather than universal human rights, the UN has pushed for rights that are not universal since they apply uniquely to women, homosexuals, and children.

One of the most universally accepted UN treaties is the Convention on the Rights of the Child. It has been acceded to by almost all the world’s governments, except for the United States. While President Bill Clinton signed it in 1995, it has never been voted on by the full U.S. Senate. This is because acceding to treaties requires 2/3 of the Senate voting in favor, and the Democrats have never been able to muster that much support. Conservatives view the children’s rights convention as too radical in that it alleges children are rights bearers entirely separate from their parents. Moreover, it calls for children to receive information of any kind from any source.

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