Forslag om å forby trans- og homoterapi i Canada

Foto: Hermes Rivera fra Unsplash
Foto: Hermes Rivera fra Unsplash

Biskoper i Canada advarer mot et lovforslag som vil forby terapi mot uønskede seksuelle tiltrekninger. De hevder at hvis loven vedtas, kan det kriminalisere private samtaler mellom foreldre og barn. I realiteten innebærer lovforslaget et forbud mot kristen lære, men ikke bare den. Også tradisjonell vitenskap står i fare for å bli kneblet da også transterapi står i fare for å bli forbudt. Dette siste innebærer at det ikke blir lov å veilede barn som etter påvirkning av media, i skoler osv mener at de er et annet kjønn enn sitt biologiske. I slike tilfeller må foreldre bare godta at deres barn ødelegges. Foreldrene vil risikere å bli strafferettslig forfulgt dersom de får barna til å bli fortrolige med sitt biologiske kjønn.

Det er Lifesitenews som omtaler saken:


Bill C-6 outlaws so-called conversion therapy, which it defines as “a practice, treatment or service designed to change a person’s sexual orientation to heterosexual or gender identity to cisgender, or to repress or reduce non-heterosexual attraction or sexual behaviour.”

In an October 7 letter to the Canadian government, the CCCB emphasized that coercive or involuntary means of conversion are unethical and do not respect the dignity of the person. However, the bishops argued that the language of the bill is filled with ambiguities which could render religious instruction and private conversations illegal and make it difficult for people seeking to reverse so-called “sex change” surgeries to do so. It would prevent those seeking to overcome intrusive and unwanted feelings from accessing the help they desire.

The CCCB stated, “There is the possibility that within families, private conversations between parents and their children on matters of human sexuality will be deemed public and subject to criminal prosecution – which in turn raises serious questions regarding the legitimacy of government surveillance, professional confidentiality, and infringement of privacy. As principal educators of their children, parents have a right to raise them in accordance with their legitimate and ethical religious beliefs. Any state intervention should not override the primary parental right to care for their children and make decisions for their well-being.”

“There is a real danger that Christian and other religious and ethical teaching with respect to human sexuality would be interpreted as criminal acts,” the Catholic bishops warned. “The Bill could even criminalize Catholic ministries and groups, religious leaders, or pastors who encourage individuals with same-sex attraction to live chastely and in conformity with the teachings of the Gospel, the moral principles of the Catholic Church, and the dictates of their own conscience.”

If interpreted literally, the bill could prevent people from receiving medical treatment from physicians, psychologists, psychiatrists, and other mental health experts because it would compel medical professionals to withhold therapies under penalty of law. 

“For example, transgender persons who freely wish to de-transition could be unable to access the necessary professional assistance to explore this option. Similarly, medical practitioners could be inhibited from advocating a prudent and professionally supported approach towards young children with gender dysphoria, the CCCB wrote.

The CCCB is not alone in its fight against thbill. The Evangelical Fellowship of Canada has also issued its own open letter to the current Minister of Justice and Attorney General of Canada, David Lametti. The EFC letter reads, “…[T]he terms ‘practice, treatment or service,’ while often used in a medical or therapeutic context, are not defined in Bill C-6 and can be interpreted and applied various ways. As written, these terms could include voluntarily sought out support groups for those who choose to live their lives in accordance with their religious beliefs.”

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