Glasgow åpner offentlige garderober for alle typer transpersoner

Foto: Branden Harvey fra Unsplash

Women in Glasgow may stop using public sporting and recreational activities after new policies allowing cross-dressing men into their classes and private spaces become widely known.

Glasgow Life, the sporting and recreational department of Scotland’s largest municipal government, has created a new policy entitled “Guidance on Accessing Sports Facilities and Services by Transgender People,” which allows not only people who are deemed to have “transitioned” into the opposite sex but also people who are still “transitioning,” those who reject the concept of gender, and cross-dressers into the classes and change rooms of their choice.

This means that women and girls can no longer take part in women-only sports and recreational activities sponsored by Glasgow’s local government (or “council”) confident in the knowledge that only women and girls will be involved and that only women and girls will use their dressing rooms and showers.

Les mer: Lifesitenews

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