LHBTIQ- og abortorganisasjoner tar æren for at Lifesitenews er permanent utestengt fra Facebook

Foto: Kon Karampelas fra Unsplash
Foto: Kon Karampelas fra Unsplash

Fire at de mektigste liberale organisasjonene i USA: Media Matters for America, LGBT powerhouses GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign og NARAL Pro-Choice America har samarbeidet for å ta ned LifeSiteNews fra Facebook. Det skriver Lifesitenews.

I en felles uttalelse skriver Media Matters for America, LGBT powerhouses GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign, og NARAL Pro-Choice America følgende:

Det måtte press til for å få Facebook til å fjerne LifeSiteNews ‘side, inkludert å rette oppmerksomheten mot åpne desinformasjonen av COVID-19 og vaksinedesinformasjon på LifeSiteNews’ side, og totalt mer enn 100 innlegg som beviste LifeSiteNews ‘gjentatte brudd på Facebooks relaterte policyer, og påtrykk fra GLAAD, Human Rights Campaign, NARAL og Media Matters for å få Facebook til endelig å reagere.

Lifesitenews kommenterer det slik:

Their joint action makes clear in no uncertain terms that the culture war, driven by sexual revolutionaries, is not only very real, it is cutthroat. Together these four form a new axis of evil, seeking to eliminate all voices who oppose their inhuman ideologies.

Their statement concludes by revealing their next move:

LifeSiteNews still has three pages that remain on the platform — which Facebook must be committed to removing.

Steve Jalsevac, President and Co-Founder of LifeSiteNews, commented: “The fact that four pro-abortion, left-wing groups have issued a joint statement taking credit for LifeSite’s Facebook ban is nothing short of astounding. Big Abortion and Big Tech clearly colluded to censor us, using the well-researched information we report about coronavirus vaccines as a pretext.”

“What does this all really mean?” Jalsevac asked. “That LifeSiteNews reports were having a very uncomfortable impact on all their propaganda with our factual, well-researched articles, with numerous quotes from real experts. The only strategy they have left is to typically spout meaningless, ad hominem charges and try to shut us down because they don’t have convincing counter arguments.”

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Foto: James A Molnar fra Unsplash

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