Lia Thomas ble for maskulin

Foto: Branden Harvey fra Unsplash

Bildet, som ble tatt av Lia Thomas da han dominerte konkurransen sin i NCAA-finalen, ble endret slik at skulle virke mer feminin. Det skriver

NBC appears to have edited a picture of controversial transgender swimmer Lia Thomas.

The picture, used in coverage after Thomas dominated his competition in the NCAA finals, was altered in a manner to make Thomas appear more feminine.

The edit in question removed blemishes on Thomas’ face.

The biological male’s face and shoulders were also softened.

In the original photo, Thomas’ face was more angular and bony, both features more associated with male bodies than female ones.

Social media users were quick to notice that NBC used an airbrushed photo for the swimmer.

Thomas won the 500-yard NCAA Division I championship on Friday, a new high point in his rise to dominance in college women’s swimming.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis recognized the second-place championship finisher, Emma Weyant, as the real winner of the title. Weyant is a Florida resident.

During an awards ceremony following Thomas’ championship win, the runners-up appeared to give the University of Pennsylvania swimmer a cold shoulder.

GOP Governor Vetoes Bill Banning Transgender Athletes From Women’s Sports

Three medalists celebrated to the side of Thomas, in what may amount to a protest of his inclusion in the sport.

Men possess fundamental advantages over women in a wide range of physical sports.

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Foto: Mason Kimbarovsky fra Unsplash

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