LifeSiteNews utestenges fra Youtube

Foto: Christian Wiediger fra Unsplash
Foto: Christian Wiediger fra Unsplash

Det er LifeSiteNews som skriver til sine abonnenter:

In yet another shocking though not unexpected display of Big Tech censorship, YouTube announced today that it has banned LifeSite from using its services for one week.

For the next seven days, LifeSite will be unable to post, upload, or livestream any videos on YouTube.

What this means is our hugely successful podcasts and on-the-ground reporting from across the world that our 200,000 YouTube subscribers signed up for will come to a halt. For now.

According to YouTube, a LifeSite video titled, “Canadian doctor destroys ‘utterly unfounded public hysteria’ over COVID-19,” violated their “Community Guidelines.” They said the video was “medical misinformation.”

This is patently false, and we will be appealing this decision. If you saw the video prior to it being removed, you’d see it was simply quoting directly from the doctor himself and not stating an outright claim.

What’s more, not only has YouTube removed our video, but they’ve given LifeSite its first “strike.”

As you can see, if we get two more “strikes” in the next 90 days for other violations of their “Community Guidelines,” LifeSite will be permanently removed from YouTube.

We’ve known for a long time YouTube is not a reliable platform for our hard-hitting, truth-telling message. We reported on their censorship of pro-life and pro-family organizations in our ‘Uncensored: Big Tech vs. Free Speech’ series last month. Watch it by clicking here.

We’ve decided to start posting videos to a platform called Rumble. Going forward, the Daily Rosary and other videos can be found there. Click here to watch LifeSite’s videos on Rumble.


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Foto: James A Molnar fra Unsplash

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