Østerrike: Barn utvist fra barnehage etter at forelde protesterte mot seksualisert undervisning

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According to a report from Reduxx, two children have been expelled from a kindergarten in Austria after their parents “expressed concerns about graphic, sexual posters that had been hung in the facility.” The posters depicted “nude trans-identified males” and were reportedly hung up to “facilitate discussions in kindergarten settings.”

The poster, which is too explicit to include in this report, is pornographic. It shows trans-identifying men, naked, baring their breasts and penis. It shows nude adults alongside children. One image shows a grossly overweight male in the shower with a little boy, both of them singing. The images depicting adults and children are left unexplained, but considering the fact that they are part of “sex education,” they are objectively disturbing to any reasonable viewer.

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When the parents complained to the kindergarten and asked that the pornographic poster be removed, the regional management called the parents in for a meeting. Thomas-Peter Gerold-Siegl, the kindergarten’s CEO, “despite having no pedagogical background,” informed the parents that children require “sex education” even at ages 1-6. This, it must be noted, is the view promoted by the Kinsey Reports.

When the parents objected to this, the regional management simply expelled the two children from the kindergarten rather than remove the poster:

Following the discussion, the kindergarten placement for both of the children were terminated, and they have since been blacklisted from any facilities operated by Kinder in Wien (Children in Vienna, or KiWi), which not only oversees the corporate kindergartens of the Austrian broadcaster but also manages 93 additional kindergartens and after-school programs throughout Vienna. “Because we dared to voice criticism against the practices of premature sexualization,” the parents explained to Kronen Zeitung.

Reduxx reported that the poster in question as taken from an American book titled Bodies are Cool by Tyler Federer, the cover of which “features a trans-identified female with mastectomy scars and a beard, while the naked trans-identified man with breasts is depicted with a heart-shaped tattoo of a trans flag.” The trans flag, they noted, “was designed by crossdressing fetishist Robert Hogge, who once penned a story about marrying a little girl who never ages.”

According to Reduxx, the kindergarten is not backing down. Gerold-Siegle, “the CEO of the largest private provider of kindergartens and after-school care in Vienna, Kinder in Wien (KiWi), has reportedly defended both the removal of the children from the kindergarten and the poster, with a spokesperson for KiWi stating the that it was put up with the aim of fostering diversity, self-acceptance, and a positive body image in children.” Last year, Gerold-Siegl co-authored an article in the Kinder in Wien Journal claiming that “children are born as sexual beings” with a “sexual identity” developing from birth.

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Foto: Margaux Bellott fra Unsplash

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