Provins i Canada vil finansiere mastektomi på jenter som hevder å være ikke-binære

Foto: Guillaume Jaillet fra Unsplash
Foto: Guillaume Jaillet fra Unsplash

I følge opplysninger fra helsemyndigheter i provinsen Nova Scotia er diagnosen kjønnsdysfori nå lagt til listen av kriterier som gjør provinsen dekker kostnadene ved mastektomi (brystreduksjon). I følge avisen Global News Report er årsaken til denne endringen i provinsenes helsepolitikk et resultat av en klage Nova Scotia Menneskerettighetskommisjon, det skriver LifesiteNews. Det innebærer at behandlingen ikke bare reserveres for jenter som hevder å være gutter, men også for jenter som mener de er ikke-binære, dvs hverken jente eller gutt.


According to a Nova Scotia Medical Services Insurance (MSI) bulletin dated November 4, the “diagnoses of Persistent and Well Documented Gender Dysphoria” has now been added “to the list of criteria for MSI coverage for a breast reduction.”

“Approved GAS applications must be on file and the request for approval must come from the NS physician who will be providing this service,” reads the bulletin.

The Global News report says that the Legal Aid press release states that a person who goes by the name of Sebastian Gaskarth filed the complaint after Gaskarth had surgery but was told afterward that MSI would not cover the cost.

According to the Global News report, Gaskarth said “I identify as a non-binary person, the irony of that is that I have to explain myself as what I’m not, so I’m not a man and I’m not a woman.”

“It’s one thing to grow up in a society that’s binary, but to see that this surgery is available it definitely affirms those people that don’t fit into either of those categories neatly,” Gaskarth was quoted as saying in the Global News report.

In 2014, the Liberal government of Nova Scotia began to pay for “sex-reassignment” surgery, however, excluded were “chest masculinization and/or chest contouring, which typically involve liposuction and implants.”

Included at the time were mastectomies, “which can be part of a transition from female to male,” claimed the health department.

In 2018, a biological male, “Serina” Slaunwhite, who now lives as a transgender “woman” launched a human rights complaint against the government of Nova Scotia’s health department for not agreeing to fund the cost of breast implants.

In 2019, Nova Scotia began to cover breast augmentation surgery for biological males who claim to be female. Before this, Nova Scotia had only been paying for breast reduction surgery for people born female but say they are male.

A spokesperson for Campaign Life Coalition Nova Scotia Ruth Robert told LifeSiteNews that taxpayer money should not go to the funding “non-essential services” which push “political agendas.”

“It’s hardly shocking that the Nova Scotia government has taken this step since such surgeries are already available for transgender individuals. Taxpayer money should not go to fund non-essential services, let alone ones that seem to be pushed for political agendas and have been known to cause deep pain and regret,” Roberts said.

“It is appalling that our money would be used to fund such surgeries, simply to appease the desires of the LGBTQ+ lobby,” she continued, adding: “People are welcome to their opinions, and can lobby for what they please, but I expect my dollars to fund necessary and helpful surgeries instead of those based in ideology rather than sound practice and good scientific research.”

Toronto psychiatrist Dr. Joseph Berger told LifeSiteNews in 2017 that those who use surgery or hormone treatment to appear as a member of the opposite sex ultimately live unhappy lives.

“Medically speaking, they’re just unhappy with who they are,” Berger told LifeSiteNews.

“And no, radical surgery, trying to change the external body configuration, plus hormones, I don’t think is the ideal treatment for unhappiness.”

At the time, Jack Fonseca from Campaign Life Coalition (CLC) told LifeSiteNews that the government move was “harmful” and that they were trying to “force its citizenry, en masse, to deny scientific fact and biological reality.”

In late October of this year, the controversial Canadian Bill C-6 passed second reading in the House of Commons. If it becomes law, the bill would criminalize offering help to those wanting to overcome unwanted same-sex attraction or gender confusion.

Only days after Bill C-6 passed second reading, a Vancouver Supreme Court judge signed a temporary injunction which banned surgeons to perform a planned double mastectomy on a gender-confused 17-year-old girl, after pleas from the girl’s mom were heard.

CLC created a website called, to “fight” the “conversion therapy ban” which features ex-homosexuals and ex-transgendered people who oppose Bill C-6.


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