Storbritannia får forbud mot konverteringsterapi

Foto: Lena Varzar fra Unsplash
Foto: Lena Varzar fra Unsplash

I sin tale til Storbritannias parlament tirsdag 11. mai kunngjorde dronningen regjeringens planer om å vedta en lov som vil ulovliggjøre det som kalles for konverteringsterapi.

“Tiltak vil bli brakt frem for å løse rasemessige og etniske ulikheter og forby konverteringsbehandling,” sa dronningen til parlamentet.

Gaynews skriver videre:

So-called conversion therapy refers to any attempt at changing a person’s sexuality or gender identity, and often involves techniques such as electroshock therapy or prayer.

Following the Queen’s speech, Liz Truss, Minister for Women and Equalities, confirmed that the legislation would come to fruition after a public consultation.

“As a global leader on LGBT+ rights, this government has always been committed to stamping out the practice of conversion therapy,” she said.

“We want to make sure that people in this country are protected, and these proposals mean nobody will be subjected to coercive and abhorrent conversion therapy.

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