Storbritannia får sitt første LHBTIQ-togsett

Foto: Branden Harvey fra Unsplash

I Storbritannia har man fått det første LHBTIQ-togsettet i historien. Togsettet er fargelagt i regnbuefarger og hele besetningen er LHBTIQ-personer. Det skriver Evening Standard. Toget skal gå i fast rute mellom London, Birningham, Manchester, Liverpool, Wales og Skottland.

The UK’s first Pride train staffed by an all LGBT+ crew is making its first journey today.

Launched by Avanti West Coast, who run routes from London to Birmingham, Manchester, Liverpool, Wales and Scotland, the train has been unveiled just two months after the end of Pride Month.

The 11-carriage train is travelling from London Euston to Manchester Piccadilly on Tuesday and is emblazoned with “the biggest Pride flag the UK has seen”.

It is being run by an all-LGBT+ crew and is filled with educational resources, the company said.

The paintwork incorporates all the colours of the progress Pride flag, including pink, blue and white for the transgender community, and black and brown to represent the Asian and ethnic minority population.

I en tvittermelding skriver selskapet følgende:

Our Pride train has just departed for its first official journey from London Euston to Manchester Piccadilly. The train is serviced by our full LGBTQ+ crew, creating not just a Pride train, but a Pride experience

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