Transjente, barn til et lesbisk ektepar, reklamerer for shampoo

Foto: Apothecary 87 fra Unsplash
Foto: Apothecary 87 fra Unsplash

Det er LGBTQnation som skriver historien om transjenta som reklamerer for en shampo fra Pantene:

A new ad for Pantene shampoo shows two lesbian moms, Ashley and Ellie, raising a transgender girl, Sawyer.

In the ad, the girl and her moms explain that hair is an important part of how Sawyer is seen by the world.

“She has always been super gender creative, and hair has been a big part of her transition,” said Ashley in the ad. “Once she told us that she identified as a girl, she immediately wanted to grow her hair out.”

“It made me feel good and confident and it made my insides match my outsides,” said Sawyer.

Pantene has worked with LGBTQ people and themes in ads before. In 2018, a Pantene ad in the Philippines told the story of Kevin Balot, a transgender woman.

And last year, drag queen Nina West appeared in an ad as a model.


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