USA: Lærere må slutte fordi de ikke kan bøye seg for transideologien

Foto: Paul Garaizar fra Unsplash
Foto: Paul Garaizar fra Unsplash

Det var ved skolen Loudoun County i delstaten Virginia at styret for skolen vedtok å inkludere transpersoner i sin ikke-diskrimineringspolitikk. Det skriver LGBTQnation.

Læreren Laura Morris pekte på sin kristne tro og sa hun ikke kunne undervise under en slik ideologisert agenda:

“School board, I quit,” Laura Morris said, sobbing and complaining that her “dissenting opinion is not allowed” in the district anymore. “I quit. I quit your policies. I quit your trainings and I quit being a cog in a machine that tells me to push highly politicized agendas on our most vulnerable constituents – the children.”

Tilhengerne så det annerledes:

This means that they have a chance to go back to school, feel safe, feel accepted and feel affirmed,” parent Cris Candice Tuck told WUSA9, referring to their kids in the school. “They no longer have to worry about the bullying and the harassment. They don’t have to fight with staff about which restroom to use… they can just be an average normal student without all of this hanging over their head.”

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