USA: The Mama Bear Movement

Foto: The Mama Bear sticker
Foto: The Mama Bear sticker

I USA er det stadig flere mødre som reagerer på statens vilje til å indoktrinere barn med et budskap som er uforenlig med kristen tro. Blant disse er det noen som nå organiserer seg i det som kalles The Mama Bear Movement, og nettavisen The Daily Citizen skriver:

Across America, the Mama Bear Movement is rising and literally changing the political landscape of this country. These moms are a diverse group of ordinary women motivated to protect their children from an aggressive and progressive agenda being pushed by special interest groups that believe they know what is best for all children.

The movement started to take shape at the beginning of the pandemic in March of 2020, as parents became aware of what was being taught to their children in the classroom. Moms began asking questions about the curriculum, reviewed books in the school library, and listened to what was discussed in their children’s classes.

The more moms heard, the more frustrated they became. Special interest agendas were being promoted in the classroom rather than the best interests of the children.

It became clear to the Mama Bear Movement that many schools across America, both public and private, were promoting racist curriculum in the name of racial reconciliation, teaching sexually explicit and abusive material in the name of sexual tolerance, and willfully jeopardizing the safety of children at school in the pursuit of affirming the transgender movement.

Motivated by the instinctual need to protect their children, moms began to courageously push back at school board meetings, write op-eds for local papers, speak at rallies, and organize protests, all while refusing to be silenced.

Special interest groups thought they could isolate and intimidate moms into compliance. The National School Board Association called these parents domestic terrorists and asked federal law enforcement to investigate and take action against unruly parents who attended school board meetings. The letter inspired even more moms to get involved. Clearly, these groups underestimated the power of a mama bear.

In fact, what’s so inspiring about this organic movement of mothers is their fearlessness to speak out and step up to protect their children. Cancel culture has nothing on them. These moms would willingly lay down their lives for their children; scare tactics by special interest groups couldn’t stop them from standing up at school board meetings to advocate for their children’s innocence and insist that their parental authority be respected in educational decision-making.

Political candidates and special interest groups learned the hard way you never get between a mother and her child. Terry McAuliffe, Virginia’s gubernatorial candidate, even went as far as to say that parents shouldn’t be telling schools what to teach. It turns out his low opinion of parental rights was not well received in Virginia, and he paid a high price for those words on election day.

The truth is parents are ultimately responsible for their child’s education, and their right to have a say in what that looks like does not stop at the four walls of the schoolhouse.

Parents have the authority to determine the education of their children. School boards work for parents.

Now, more than ever, moms must stand up to protect their children from special interests who have a stranglehold in many of our schools, both public and private. We must remain vigilant and be involved.

As Christians, we know that our parental authority is not a right bestowed upon us by a benevolent government, but a God-given responsibility to protect and promote what is in the best interest of our children. It is our biblical calling as mothers to protect our children.

Proverbs 22:6 directs parents to, “Train up a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it.”

Moms, if you are frustrated with the special interest groups who have their sights set on indoctrinating your children with their version of “truth,” this is your moment. If you were waiting for a sign to know whether you should get involved, this is your sign! This is your opportunity to join the Mama Bear Movement. Stand up, speak out, and defend the rights of parents and children from toxic woke policies.

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