Voldtektsforbryter får sone i kvinnefengsel

Foto: Emiliano Bar fra Unsplash
Foto: Emiliano Bar fra Unsplash

Vi opplever stadig at menn som hevder de er kvinner får sone i kvinnefengsler. En ny og alvorlig sak er historien til den 39 år gamle YouTuber Chris Chan, en mann som påstår (overbevisende) å være kvinne siden 2014 og har fått navnet Christine Weston Chandler. Han er mest kjent for å ha laget tegneserien Sonichu, har 50 000 YouTube -abonnenter, og ble nylig arrestert i Virginia for å ha voldtatt sin 79 år gamle mor, som har demens. Det skriver Lifesitenews,

I tillegg til et økende utbrudd av kvinnelige sexkriminelle, er Chandler oppført som kvinne i politirapporten – og vil bli innlosjert hos de kvinnelige innsatte.

Lifesitenews skriver videre at dette er stadig mer vanlig. I forrige måned skrev feministen Julie Bindel inn en skremmende historie om en kvinnelig innsattes opplevelse i Daily Mail:

Her sense of shock, and the awful aura of menace that closed in on her, still haunt former prisoner Amy Jones. Jail should have been a place free from the predators who had sexually assaulted and raped her in her childhood, but the terrifying presence looming over her suggested anything but.

‘The look in her eyes was frightening,’ Amy says, her voice quiet but assertive. ‘She leered at me before lunging forward and grabbing my breasts hard. She squeezed them and I cried out in pain. I was terrified she would rape me.’

The prisoner who sexually assaulted Amy — we cannot legally identify her, so we shall call her J — is a transgender woman, with a Gender Recognition Certificate (GRC), and therefore referred to by the female pronoun, but still had male genitalia.

Amy was equally well aware that J still had male genitalia because she often intimidated her and fellow female prisoners at HMP Bronzefield in Ashford, Middlesex, by exposing them. Moreover, J was serving time for a serious sexual assault on a child and was clearly a danger to other inmates. Yet she had secured a coveted job as a cleaner at the prison gym where Amy also worked. And it was while she was in the gym’s lavatory block that J assaulted her in 2017.

‘What were the officers even thinking, letting her clean toilets in which women would be in a state of undress and alone? Why was there a child sex offender with a penis cleaning the toilets of the gym in a women’s prison?’

This is happening because we have decided that women are collateral damage as we rebuild society according to the ever-evolving ideology of gender activists. This male rapist—who is referred to as female even by his cowed victim—even insisted on being able to shower with the women. Vulnerable women are being locked up with sexual predators, and there is almost no protest.


And now a man who allegedly raped his own mother will be locked up with female prisoners. Trans activists say this is right and just. It is not. It is wicked.

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